In John 18 and 19 the Jewish religious leaders and Pilate are a lot alike. They want to protect their authority at all costs and that keeps them from even attempting to discover the truth about Jesus. Makes me think about what there might be in my life that I would try to hang on to that might keep me from knowing the truth.
Yeah, and Jesus, King of all, was willing to make Himself nothing. I recognize I can be just like these leaders, more concerned about my image than my character. I often respond in self-defense instead of humility. My psyche needs revamping to better reflect the character of my Lord.
What awful irony: Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters.[f] It was early morning. They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters, so that they would not be defiled, but could eat the Passover. In the process of killing the Son of God, they avoided the defilement of entering a Gentile's house. So much more seriously defiled in an infinitely worse way.
It is easy to get caught up in trying to follow the relatively unimportant rules while breaking the ones that matter most, that dishonor God, harm others, or fail to help others when we should; maybe driving them away from God by trying to make them live like Christians when they aren't.
This is Truth if I have ever heard it: "You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and have come into the world - to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to me. "
It's appropriate that KING OF THE JEWS was the charge against Jesus posted on the cross. This was really the unpardonable offense to the Jewish leaders, that Jesus was the rightful sovereign and they weren't. When God asks me to give up something I like having control over, I hope I can remember to be on the side of the King of the Universe for Heaven's sake.
It's appropriate that KING OF THE JEWS was the charge against Jesus posted on the cross. This was really the unpardonable offense to the Jewish leaders, that Jesus was the rightful sovereign and they weren't. When God asks me to give up something I like having control over, I hope I can remember to be on the side of the King of the Universe for Heaven's sake.
Having wrapped up the Gospel of John, the one theme that seems to keep coming up over and over is that of belief. John even wraps up his gospel by saying that he wrote it so that people may believe in Jesus and have life in His name.
But throughout the gospel we see that not all belief is the same. Some of the religious leaders and many in the crowds had some level of belief at one time, but they eventually turned on Jesus. Genuine, saving belief will be reflected in whether I continue to abide in Jesus when things get tough.
In John 18 and 19 the Jewish religious leaders and Pilate are a lot alike. They want to protect their authority at all costs and that keeps them from even attempting to discover the truth about Jesus. Makes me think about what there might be in my life that I would try to hang on to that might keep me from knowing the truth.
Yeah, and Jesus, King of all, was willing to make Himself nothing. I recognize I can be just like these leaders, more concerned about my image than my character. I often respond in self-defense instead of humility. My psyche needs revamping to better reflect the character of my Lord.
What awful irony: Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters.[f] It was early morning. They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters, so that they would not be defiled, but could eat the Passover.
In the process of killing the Son of God, they avoided the defilement of entering a Gentile's house. So much more seriously defiled in an infinitely worse way.
It is easy to get caught up in trying to follow the relatively unimportant rules while breaking the ones that matter most, that dishonor God, harm others, or fail to help others when we should; maybe driving them away from God by trying to make them live like Christians when they aren't.
This is Truth if I have ever heard it: "You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and have come into the world - to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to me. "
OK, so John only has 21 chapters :)I'm sure this won't be the only mistake in the reading plan over the next four years.
It's appropriate that KING OF THE JEWS was the charge against Jesus posted on the cross. This was really the unpardonable offense to the Jewish leaders, that Jesus was the rightful sovereign and they weren't. When God asks me to give up something I like having control over, I hope I can remember to be on the side of the King of the Universe for Heaven's sake.
It's appropriate that KING OF THE JEWS was the charge against Jesus posted on the cross. This was really the unpardonable offense to the Jewish leaders, that Jesus was the rightful sovereign and they weren't. When God asks me to give up something I like having control over, I hope I can remember to be on the side of the King of the Universe for Heaven's sake.
Having wrapped up the Gospel of John, the one theme that seems to keep coming up over and over is that of belief. John even wraps up his gospel by saying that he wrote it so that people may believe in Jesus and have life in His name.
But throughout the gospel we see that not all belief is the same. Some of the religious leaders and many in the crowds had some level of belief at one time, but they eventually turned on Jesus. Genuine, saving belief will be reflected in whether I continue to abide in Jesus when things get tough.
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