Sobering, but not without hope
I know that a lot of the passage that we've been looking at lately deal with judgment and in particular judgment that is directed at God's people. Certainly, that is a sobering thought and one that we need to heed. Just because we are God's children, that does not make us immune to His judgment. I think that's an important message to communicate, especially since the church has often been guilty of peddling "easy grace" that says "Just come to Jesus and all your problems will go away." We would do well to heed the words of Jesus:
But even in the midst of judgment, there is always hope. As we've seen in the Old Testament prophets, God always preserves a remnant. And Jesus also made it clear that even though there is tribulation in the world, He has overcome the world. Jesus doesn't promise to take away all our problems - but He does promise that those who trust in Him can have hope because we are overcomers in Him.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
(John 16:33)
But even in the midst of judgment, there is always hope. As we've seen in the Old Testament prophets, God always preserves a remnant. And Jesus also made it clear that even though there is tribulation in the world, He has overcome the world. Jesus doesn't promise to take away all our problems - but He does promise that those who trust in Him can have hope because we are overcomers in Him.
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